
Die Kontaktdaten des für die Datenverarbeitung Verantwortlichen lauten:
Straight, Forward & Partners GmbH
Ludwigstraße 12
D-63067 Offenbach am Main
Tel.: +49 151 2534 0000

Note on photo and graphic sources:
All photos and graphics displayed on this website were created by our staff.
Responsible for the content under section 55 (2) of the Interstate Treaty on Broadcasting: Sascha Strohmeier

Liability for contents
Sensory-Minds is the sole owner respectively licensee in respect to the content, material and information on this website. All rights reserved. The information provided is correct, complete and up-to-date to the best of our knowledge and belief. This website, however, including the content, material, information and software provided is made available to the user in its current form, with no warranties or guarantees of any kind, either explicit or implied. Access to and use of this website is at the user's own risk. Sensory-Minds is not responsible and accepts no liability for any losses, i.e. of a direct, indirect, chance, pre-specified or consequential nature allegedly arising through or in connection with access to or use of this website.

Sensory-Minds may amend or suspend the operation of this website in whole or in part at its discretion at any time without notice, and shall not be obliged to update the website. Hyperlinks to third party websites do not constitute endorsement of their content on the part of Sensory-Minds, and Sensory-Minds is not responsible for the availability or content of these websites. Establishing a link to this website is solely at the user's risk. Any legal claims or lawsuits arising in connection with the website or its use shall be subject to interpretation of the statutes of the Federal Republic of Germany, except for the provisions of private international law.

We are not obligated to research the lawfulness of third-party information which has been transmitted and buffered and/or stored (sections 8-10 German Telemedia Act, TMG). We will immediately remove any contents as soon as we obtain knowledge of a specific offence. All offers on the website are non-binding and subject to change. We retain the right to make changes to the website at any time and to erase content completely or to discontinue operation of all or part of the website.

The texts, graphics, images and other contents on our website, as well as the overall concept underlying its layout and design, are subject to German copyright law. For this reason, unless our explicit, prior approval is given, reproduction, editing, distribution, and any form of utilization is only permitted within the scope of copyright law.
 The copyrights of third parties to any content on our website which contains content to which we do not hold direct copyrights has been respected. Nonetheless, if you should identify any infringements of copyright, please contact us so that we can remove the relevant contents.

Data privacy
No personal data (name, address, telephone number, email address, etc.) is needed for the use of our website. Personal data which you communicate to us via our website, by email and/or via other electronic channels is provided by you voluntarily and will only be used by us for the intended purpose (e.g.: to deal with and respond to your inquiry, your order or contract). Personal data may be stored and processed with electronic data processing systems for customer support and service purposes. Sensory-Minds does not participate in the Online Dispute Resolution.

Data privacy declaration for the use of Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses "cookies"; these are text files which are stored on your computer to analyse the way you use the website. The information about the way you use this website created by the cookie is usually sent to and stored on a Google server in the USA. However, if IP anonymisation is activated on this website, your IP address is truncated beforehand within member states of the European Union or in other states party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to and shortened on a Google server in the USA. Google uses this information on behalf of the operator of this website to evaluate the way you use the website, to collate reports on website activities and to provide the website operator other services related to website and internet use. The IP address sent by your browser as part of Google Analytics is not combined with other data held by Google. You can change your browser settings to prevent cookies from being stored; however, in these circumstances, you may find that you are unable to make full use of all the functions on the website. You can also prevent the data (including your IP address) relating to your use of the website which is captured by the cookie being sent to or processed by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in from the following link ( Google Analytics is supplemented on this website by the "ga('set', 'anonymizeip', true) code to guarantee the anonymised collection of IP addresses (known as IP masking).

Use of information on this legal notice
Use of contact information, such as postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers or email addresses provided on the legal page or any similar data by third parties to send information which has not been explicitly requested is prohibited.
 The right to take legal action against senders of spam or junk mail who violate this prohibition is explicitly reserved.